just a lil update...

Hello everyone.
It seems as though the time between blogs gets longer n longer.. forgive me..lol.
This past weekend was oh so busy.. I am glad it's over but today seems like Monday..grrr..
Friday night Luis n me stayed up late watching t.v. Then Saturday morning we hung out with friends. Saturday night was one of my girlfriends birthday celebration so we all went out to eat for that. Sunday was of course church..and Monday night me and another girlfriend went to the movies..So today I was busy cleaning and doing laundry and catching up on stuff..CharlieRose has a program at school on Thursday Then its Early Release day on Friday..Then SUMMER.. I'm excited to have my lil girl home all day now. But I am worried she won't be happy..(its not like I can send her away to a relatives house for weeks at a time like some parents do..) She loves school. She loves her teacher. She doesn't like the weekend cuz she can't go to school. I mean this girl keeps her room spotless every day cuz she can't go to school unless its clean..I guess we will just have to walk to the library every few days and have school at the kitchen table..
Her teachers and speech therapist say she has improved quite a lot since October and are very proud of her.. everyone loves my kid..its awesome..lol
Gavi is being a brat. she knows what the potty chair is and how to use it.. but she's not wanting to.. she sits down for a second then gets up and claps and says YAY.. then wets herself a few minutes later..So.. We have given it a break for a month or 2. and Then we will try again..
Granma Ana is supposed to come stay with us for a while in a week or 2. I can honestly say I love my mother in law. She is the bestest.. Yes we will have to give up our privacy and a few other selfish things.. but its ok.. We miss her and my girls miss her too.....
Well I had better go clean up the kitchen from supper..
till the next time I get bored..lol


  1. Anonymous said...

    awww, that's cute she likes school. I bet she'll be happy at home, though, esp. if you go to the library or the playground!! =) My little guy is starting speech therapy too. I am sooo excited for him to start talking to me!! Boy, I know how you feel with the potty thing. I have trained 4 and it is my least favorite thing. My 2 year old is not ready at ALL. Hopefully soon!!  

  2. Hollie said...

    Glad Charlie likes school. LOL about potty training...  


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