
Things Have been going good.
CharlieRose loves her school. I got a ride for her for a few weeks and then we will see whats up.
I have drinking coffee.. Like way too much.. FB is such a peer pressure..LOL
I have a feeling me and Gavi are gonna bond a lot more then we already have with CharlieRose being gone allll day.
Luis and the kids birthdays are all about to be upon us...ohh boy.. here we go again.LOL. Luis is be 37, CharlieRose 6, and Gavi 3.. man..time flies.
I've had baby fever the past week. Its horrible.. Luis says to shut up I have a dog. ok yeah I know that.. GRRR... Does anyone wanna lemme borrow their baby?? for reals?
Daddy is working 12s.. I miss him.. but its all good.. Me and a buncha people are going to the beach Saturday.. It feels SOOO weird being independent from him. Used to I couldn't go to Walmart alone. Now I go everywhere alone or with my kids..I guess I'm growing up after all..LOL
I've been learning to country dance. I LOVE it. sooooo much. It's really fun... plus the classes are free...tehe..
Anyways.. I'ma get off here..


  1. Anonymous said...

    Didn't Angela jess have a little girl not that long ago you could go visit her :) That might help you lose the baby fever a tad.  


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